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HCL Technologies off-campus recruitment for 15000 entry level positions

HCL Technologies off-campus recruitment for 15000 entry level positions in 2020 – 2021

The 12,000 freshers HCL Tech plans to recruit, will have a mix of on-campus and off campus students

With on-campus hiring becoming a challenge due to COVID-19, HCL Technologies is looking at more off-campus recruitment for FY21, said the company’s CHRO VV Apparao.

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HCL Technologies off-campus recruitment for 15000 entry level positions in 2020 – 2021

Hcl technologies off-campus recruitment for 15000 entry level positions in 2020 – 2021
Hcl Technologies Off-Campus Recruitment For 15000 Entry Level Positions In 2020 – 2021

The company is looking to recruit close to 15,000 people, including 12,000 freshers for FY21. “The 12,000 freshers will include a mix of on-campus and off-campus,” Apparao explained.

IT firms organise off-campus freshers’ drive for multiple campuses, usually for tier II and tier III colleges. Since it is an open market, competition is high as students are competing with peers from multiple colleges.

Indian IT firms are one of the largest recruiters in Indian engineering colleges. However pandemic has made hiring from campuses a huge challenge.

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HCL Technologies off-campus recruitment for 15000 entry level positions in 2020 – 2021

“Hiring in campuses was part of the plan but we are not getting people in campuses today starting March,” Apparao said. The company starts campus recruitment from January through May. Due to COVID-19, hiring since March had been a challenge.

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“Starting March, pretty much all the kids have gone home. Even colleges were not working. There were instances where we sent 10 people to campuses and got only five or six students,” Apparao explained.

Universities are still exploring options to see how to conduct exams for final year students and there is not much clarity on if and when colleges will open. “If this continues, we will have to get into the open market and recruit,” he added.

Apparao said, “So we have already started recruiting some fresh graduates offline because businesses cannot wait. As CVK has given guidance, we are looking at decent growth.”

HCL Tech CEO C Vijayakumar, fondly called CVK had said the company is guiding for 1.5-2.5 percent for FY21. The confidence, he said came from growing investment in technology by its clients across the verticals.

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HCL Technologies off-campus recruitment for 15000 entry level positions in 2020 – 2021

The company registered revenue of $2,356 million for the quarter ending June 2020, down 0.3 percent on a year-on-year basis. Though the hiring outlook remains strong for FY21, at 15,000 for FY21, there is not much clarity whether this would continue for the next fiscal as well.

Though there is not much clarity about on-campus recruitment for FY22 and what will happen to current third years, Apparao said, “If things don’t open up and risk levels continue the way they are today, it will become predominantly off-campus recruitment.”

IT firms begin recruiting in campuses the previous fiscal and start the onboarding from April.

The company has also stepped up reskilling efforts in the area of cloud, cybersecurity and data and digital analytics, where the demand is huge. The company had signed 11 digital transformation deals for the June quarter, some of them are large deals over $100 million.

In terms of work from home, HCL Tech has taken a stand that WFH will not be a permanent feature for the company. According to Apparao, WFH continuously is also not healthy, either physically or mentally.

“In the office, they will meet people, get some fresh air. WFH continuously, we believe that it is not healthier in the longer run. So we are not mandating anywhere,” he added.

In addition, Apparat explained that while the industry has permissions from the government and clients for the pandemic, they are temporary in nature. “So now if you want to make it a permanent way of working then all the policy framework, guidelines for STPI, all need permanent changes including the security aspect,” he added.

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